In 2022, Paul spoke at the following events
Lexology Webinar: Tax Transparency and Information Disclosure Regimes
Tax transparency and information disclosure regimes have arisen across the international tax world in multiple variations and with varying objectives, but all seeking a clearer understanding of where assets are being held and by whom. These transparency regimes remain in flux as the tax authorities try to fix cracks that emerge in the regime or adjust it to fit new economic trends. To that end, Paul, along with Emelie Mahler and Christian Lyk of KENDRIS, provided a tour of the tax transparency regimes affecting clients and delved into the key developments in these regimes – covering: • Cross-border disclosures – through which tax authorities want to find out what assets or income their taxpayers hold or receive abroad so that they can better enforce local tax regimes, such as OECD CRS and US FATCA (incl. crypto asset reporting) • Domestic disclosures – through which tax authorities want to find out who is the beneficial owner of domestic assets, such as Beneficial Owner registers (including the incoming US Corporate Transparency Act (CTA)), or to counter harmful tax practices more effectively, such as Economic Substance Requirements • Party disclosures – through which tax authorities target parties involved in the transactions to better enforce existing anti-abuse provisions for other regimes, such as MDRs/DAC6
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In 2020-21, Paul spoke at the following events
BlueBridge Webinar: The Intragroup Hallmarks for non-Financial Corporate Groups
On 14th April 2021, we presented a webinar on the DAC6 Intragroup Hallmarks: The Hallmarks targeting cross-border transactions between related parties that seek to arbitrage differing tax treatments across jurisdictions (e.g. applicable tax rates, depreciation and asset valuation techniques and transfer pricing unilateral safe harbors). During the webinar we explored the underlying aims and EU-wide interpretations of these Hallmarks, along with the mechanics of DAC6 disclosures where the reporting Intermediaries are in-house experts, rather than external advisors. If you missed the webinar but are interested in learning more about this particular DAC6 topic. You can download our BlueBridge DAC6 Corporates Presentation.pdf from the webinar. You can access a replay of our webinar on our YouTube channel (available as audio only for use with the presentation slides).
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BlueBridge Webinar: Illustrative Examples of the Specific Impacts of DAC6 on Fiduciaries
On 25 February 2021, in the fourth instalment of our thematic DAC6 webinar series, we’ll finish with our analyses on The Specific Impacts of DAC6 on Fiduciaries" by examining concrete examples of common scenarios and why DAC6 reporting may–or may not be–required of the fiduciaries involved in these scenarios. These examples are intended to shed light on the following - The direct and indirect impacts of the DAC6 directive and local rules on the fiduciary industry - The DAC6 Hallmarks most likely to ensnare fiduciaries and how - The reporting consequences–content, format and timing–for fiduciaries due to Reportable Cross-border Arrangements. You can access a replay of the webinar on our YouTube channel For further information on the topic, please find the BlueBridge Presentation materials embedded on this page and/or refer to the DAC6/MDR Reporting page of this website or the BlueBridge website.
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BlueBridge Webinar: The Specific Impacts of DAC6 on Fiduciaries
On 21 January 2021, BlueBridge presented a webinar, answering a series of questions on the impact of DAC6 on fiduciaries, including: How does DAC6, generally, captures trustees and other fiduciaries and how does it exclude them? What types of common fiduciary activities will necessitate DAC6 reporting and why? What information will fiduciaries need to report about their clients under DAC6? You can access a replay of the webinar on our YouTube channel For further information on the topic, please find the BlueBridge Presentation materials embedded on this page and/or refer to the DAC6/MDR Reporting page of this website or the BlueBridge website.
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BlueBridge Webinar: DAC6 in Cyprus
This webinar of 26 December 2020 – designed for attendees with an understanding of the objectives and mechanics of DAC6 – focused on the impact of DAC6 in Cyprus. Following a brief refresher on the background and mechanics of DAC6 in Cyprus, we delved into the ways in which the Cypriot authorities are limiting reporting volumes through an enhanced Main Benefit Test and other provisions that filter out commonplace transactions. Then, we discussed the other stand-out aspects of the DAC6 regime in Cyprus, closing out the presentation with our views on the consequences for affected parties in Cyprus before answering a handful of interesting questions submitted by the audience. You can access a replay of the webinar on our YouTube channel For further information on the topic, please find the BlueBridge Presentation materials embedded on this page and/or refer to the DAC6/MDR Reporting page of this website or the BlueBridge website.
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BlueBridge Webinar: The DAC6 Main Benefit Test (MBT) and Other Limiting Factors
This webinar of 26 November 2020 – designed for attendees with an understanding of the objectives and mechanics of DAC6 – focused on the overly broad definition of Reportable Cross-Border Arrangements, the methods by which local tax authorities are seeking to reduce the volume of reports, and the practical implications of these efforts. Following a refresher on DAC6: Its aims, methods and terminology, defining and examining key concepts such as the Main Benefit Test (MBT) and the DAC6 Hallmarks, the BlueBridge team introduced the various measures adopted by EU Member States via their local guidance notes to limit the numbers of reports that do not serve their aims, whether by enhancing the MBT or re-framing the Hallmarks through interpretations, examples and whitelists. Finally, they delved into the concrete compliance consequences of the original problem–too much reporting–the assorted solutions to this original problem and the new problems generated by these solutions.If you missed the webinar but are interested in learning more about these crucial DAC6 topics, have no fear. You can access a replay of the webinar on our YouTube channel For further information on the topic, please find the BlueBridge Presentation materials embedded on this page and/or refer to the DAC6/MDR Reporting page of this website or the BlueBridge website.
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BlueBridge: The Impact of DAC6 on Cyprus and the BlueBridge Solution
- On 22 January 2020, BlueBridge hosted two events in Cyprus–one in Limassol and the other in Nicosia–for financial intermediaries
- The event consisted of two parts: The first provided an overview of DAC6 and the second introduced BlueBridge's roster of solutions, with services designed for a full range of client interests.
- For further information on the topic, please find the BlueBridge Presentation materials embedded on this page and/or refer to the DAC6/MDR Reporting page of this website or the BlueBridge website.
In 2019, Paul spoke at the following events
- Co-hosted by the the New York chapter of the Society of Tax and Estate Practitioners (STEP) and the NY State Bar Association (NYSBA), this annual conference is one of the trust industry's premium events, with the dates (14 and 15 March 2019) circled on the calendars of global tax advisors and fiduciaries worldwide
- To help kick start this year's conference, on the morning of 14 March, Paul presented on the incoming OECD Mandatory Disclosure Rules (MDRs) and the 2018 amendment to EU Directive 2011/16/EU (DAC6) for designated intermediaries with a specific emphasis on their impact on trustees, other fiduciaries and single family offices
- The MDR model rules and DAC6 will compel certain intermediaries to report on transactions or other activities that might result in CRS non-reporting or obfuscate the beneficial ownership of financial assets
- For further information on the Annual International Estate Planning Institute (and information on how to register), please find the event brochure below
In 2018, Paul spoke at the following events
- On 27 November at the Liechtenstein Tax Conference 2018 in Vaduz, Paul will discuss the incoming OECD Mandatory Disclosure Rules (MDRs) for designated intermediaries with a specific emphasis on their impact on trustees, other fiduciaries and single family offices
- The MDR model rules will compel certain intermediaries to report on transactions or other activities that might result in CRS non-reporting or generally obscure the beneficial ownership of financial assets
- For further information on the Liechtenstein Tax Conference 2018, please refer to the flyer below
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